born in Poland on april the 24 th 1972 in Gdansk .
He started piano lessons in age 6 .In 1990 finished education in Public Music School with distinction & many prize’s etc...This same year He started study in Academy of Music in Gdansk on piano speciality . Classical education has finished as laureate of many polish, international festivals and piano competitions , ( solo and with chamber – music group - piano trio ).
fe: International Young Pianist's Competition in Ettlingen , Piano Stypendy Competition F.Chopin in Warsaw , International Music workshop in Klagenfurt (Austria)...etc. From 1992 collaboration with Public Baltic Philharmony.
Since 1989 his music interest’s enlarged, (improvised music, jazz, rock music). He has taken a part in Polish Jazz Workshop in Chodziez.
1994 – stay in United States & Canada.
Taking a part in Polish festivals and music reviev’s (special award for the best festival instrumentalist in Cracow).
Since 1999 – connection’s with concert agency Gerhartz Gastspiel. Many concert’s and tour’s in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia ( St. Petersburg ) and Poland.
Many production’s : A.L.Webber musical Gala, Musical Starlight, Abba in Simfonie, Play It Again
2003 - collaboration with " Meybe Theater "
2005 - rice the URBANOVICZtrio
2005/06 - the lead musical role (Ray Charles) on international tour " Ray Charles - Genius of soul" Collaboration with black musician’s : Ron Williams , Rico Mc’larrin etc...
2006 - Musical arrangment’s for "Das Phantom der Oper" production
2006 - Recording contract with SONY & UNIVERSAL (fe: popular rock band PTAKY...etc.)
2007/8 Tourne RAY CHARLES genius of soul - KEMPF THEATER agency
2007/8 Tourne ABBA in Simfonie - GERHARTZ agency
2008/9 Comeback CHeCZ group
2009/10 URBANOVICZmusicSTUDIO & production - composing work...etc. Collaboration with P.Lukaszewski in RED STUDIO PRO ...etc
2011 start collaboration with PM & UNIVERSAL UNIPPM
2013 composition & contributing on making " MEN A MUSIC " company
2015 Colaboration with STUDIO H ( film & media publishing music).
2018 EUROPEAN TOUR : "HAIR The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical" with FRANK SERR Showservice INT,